
Legislative Session Report Week 4

February 7, 2020

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The General Assembly reconvened at the Capitol on Monday for day ten of the legislative session. 立法机构本周只在三天内举行会议, canceling what was supposed to be day thirteen on Thursday and the entirety of next week. 他们现在将于2月18日星期二举行第13天会议. Additionally, 大会通过了休会决议, which can be found here, 将立法日程安排到3月12日, legislative day 28. Due to the adjournment resolution and the legislature being out of session next week, 下一份立法报告将于周五发出, February 21.


众议院和参议院下周都不会开会, we are still looking forward to hosting our members at GFB Day at the Capitol this coming Tuesday, February 11. 客人们将有机会参观国会大厦,与留在亚特兰大参加休会期间举行的拨款听证会的议员们会面. 州长布莱恩·肯普和专员加里·布莱克将在访问国会大厦后的午餐时间向这些人发表讲话.


Although it was a short week in session, a number of bills saw action this week. To read which bills are on the docket affecting Georgia agriculture, please see the Bills of Interest section.


The Senate Ag Committee met Tuesday to discuss the Right to Farm bill – HB 545. As you recall, the previous week Sen. Larry Walker introduced a substitute version, 乔治亚州农场局(GFB)一直在与我们的联盟农业组织密切合作,以确保该法案充分实现我们保护农民免受不当滋扰诉讼的目标. 上周,我们取得了有意义的进展. 沃克在新版本中加入了许多令人满意的改动. The Committee discussed the changes and voted to pass the bill out of committee.


The legislative “sausage-making” can be messy as a balance of many interests is struck, and HB 545 is no exception to that. We appreciate the work Sen. 沃克在法案中所做的贡献以及他所保持的公开对话. 虽然参议院通过的法案是一个进步, GFB continues to advocate for a few small, but very important, changes to be made. 我们最有效的游说是在基层进行的. As you see your legislators at Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol and elsewhere, please be sure to mention your support of HB 545 and the following changes. We are seeking the time a farm must be in operation before being protected to be maintained at 1 year, as is current law. 现在提议的法案将这一期限延长至2年. 我们还要求将某人起诉农场妨害的5英里距离要求减少到更合理的1英里.


HB 545现在提交参议院规则委员会, 这将决定该法案何时提交参议院全体投票.


HB 545: Right to Farm
Reps. 麦考尔,伯恩斯,英格兰,华生,皮尔克尔和迪基
This legislation seeks to strengthen and protect farmers from loopholes in our states right to farm laws. 这种语言上的澄清有助于生产者,因为它澄清了那些模糊的、可能被解释为不利于农业的语言.
Passed the House on 3/7/19. Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute on 2/5/20.

HB 777: Tall Mass Timber Construction
Reps. 科贝特,伯恩斯,麦考尔,英格兰,史密斯,拉里西亚
Assigned to Agriculture and Consumer Affairs.


HB 847: Hemp Regulation Updates
Reps. Corbett, McCall, Dickey, Pruett和Gilliard
本次更新的大麻立法,通过上届立法会议作出技术调整,以符合联邦规则, creates a new license for a hemp nursery grower allowing sale to another permittee, increases the processor permit fee from $25,000 to $100,000, 并在收获前建立抽样测试要求.


HB 882: Tax Exemption for Food Banks
Reps. Houston, Rich, Corbett, Greene, Cheokas
该法案将取消对向合格的食品银行出售食品和食品成分以及向合格的非营利机构捐赠食品和食品成分的使用免征州和某些地方销售和使用税的日落期. 它还将扩大对捐赠给合格非营利机构的食品和食品配料的使用豁免,包括救灾.
Assigned to Ways and Means.


HB 886: Animal Microchips and Reporting
Reps. Welch, McCall, Knight
Assigned to Agriculture and Consumer Affairs.


SB 338: Animal Protection
Sens. 柯克帕特里克,布莱克,沃克,考瑟特,安德森,西姆斯
该法案将要求宠物经销商、狗舍、马厩等获得执照., and would also allow the Commissioner to promulgate rules and regulations for animal protection.  
Assigned to Agriculture and Consumer Affairs.


SB 345: Nonprofit Food Preparation
Sens. Kirkpatrick, Tippins, Rhett, Jordan
This bill would allow nonprofits to be exempt from rules pertaining to other food service establishments, providing they have a local government permit that ensures food is safely and hygienically prepared and delivered.
Assigned to Health and Human Services.


SB 346: State Board of Veterinary Medicine
Sens. Black, Burke, Anderson, Harrell, Payne
Assigned to Agriculture and Consumer Affairs.


SB 358: Muscadine as State Grape
Sens. 哈珀,西姆斯,伯克,沃克,布莱克,卡林沙克
This bill would designate the muscadine grape as the official state grape.
Assigned to Government Oversight.


SB 362: Livestock Straying
Sens. Wilkinson, Anderson, Harper, Burke, Rahman
Assigned to Agriculture and Consumer Affairs.



This year is a significant one in Georgia as we are positioned to elect a President and not one, but two, U.S. Senators, as well as a number of U.S. Representatives. As Election Day nears, 乔治亚州农场局的公共政策小组将让你了解政治舞台上正在发生的事情,以确保你准备好接受良好的教育, informed decisions at the ballot box. 


Senate District 13
This past Tuesday, February 4, a special election was held in Senate District 13 to fill the seat previously held by Sen. 格雷格·柯克,他在与癌症作斗争后于去年12月去世. With three candidates vying for the spot, 这三个候选人都没有获得超过50%的选票, the race is headed to a runoff. Carden Summers (R) and Jim Quinn (R) will go head to head on March 3 for the seat. Senate District 13 includes parts of Crisp, Dodge, Dooly, Lee, Sumter, Tift, Worth, Turner, and Wilcox counties. 想知道这次选举是否会影响你,请访问我们的行动中心 find your legislator. 如果是这样,请确保你在周二去投票! You can find a list of polling places here.


Presidential Primary

乔治亚州的总统初选将于3月24日星期二举行. 登记参加初选投票的截止日期是2020年2月24日. Visit the Georgia Secretary of State's website to check your voter registration status. 与格鲁吉亚总统初选有关的其他关键日期如下.

  • February 24: Voter Registration Deadline
  • March 2: Early Voting Begins
  • March 14: Saturday Voting 
  • March 24: Georgia's Presidential Primary



Hosted by John Holcomb, Jay Stone, and Katie Duvall, “成长”是乔治亚州农场局制作的一个新播客, 涵盖与农业有关的问题和主题,以帮助促进和倡导格鲁吉亚农业,并教育消费者关于粮食生产和现代农业实践.


With episodes dropping every two weeks, 公共政策部门的工作人员将从国会大厦发回报道, 以通俗易懂的文字,为您深入了解本届两会, audio format. You can subscribe to the podcast and download on Apple Podcasts by clicking here or on Spotify by clicking here. 请务必每隔一个周二收看新一期节目!


HB 13: Livestock & Rodeo Sales Tax Exemption
Reps. 威廉姆斯,马蒂克,麦考尔,布莱克蒙和琼斯
This bill will provide an exemption from sales tax on the entry fee or admission of non-profit livestock, horse shows, or rodeo events and exhibits. This exemption will apply to any participation fees paid for entrants and any admission paid by the public.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee.


HB 22:电话合作社宽带服务授权
Reps. 休斯顿,鲍威尔,英格兰,华生,科比特和格林
House Bill 22 is a bill that comes from a recommendation of the Rural Development Council. 该法案将授权电话合作社及其宽带附属公司向其十大靠谱网赌官方平台提供宽带服务, as well as, 申请联邦拨款以提供宽带.

HB 23:提供宽带服务的EMC授权
Reps. 休斯顿,鲍威尔,英格兰,华生,科比特和格林
House Bill 23 is another bill to come out of the Rural Development Council. 该法案授权电力十大靠谱网赌官方平台公司(EMC)建立或与另一个实体合作,向其成员提供独立于其电力服务的宽带服务. This bill will also allow for EMCs to 申请联邦拨款以提供宽带.
Passed the House on 2/11/19. 分配到受监管的行业和公用事业.


HB 49: Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Interbasin Transfers
Reps. 莫里斯,琼斯,坦纳,拉姆斯登,鲍威尔,卡朋特
Reps. Watson, Powell, McCall, Meeks, and Pirkle
该法案将提出一项宪法修正案,为棉铃象鼻虫根除计划提供从价税豁免,用于诱捕的所有物资, baiting, luring, and pesticides, 在检测和预防棉铃象鼻虫返乡方面.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee.


HB 105:灾难支付的国家所得税豁免
Reps. Watson, Powell, Meeks, McCall, Pirkle
In an effort to provide further relief in the wake of Hurricane Michael, 该法案免除了美国农业部支付的与“迈克尔”飓风有关的救灾款项或项目的州所得税.
Passed the House on 2/25/19. Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.
HB 286: Right to Repair
Reps. Turner, Pirkle, and Dickey
众议院第286号法案被称为“维修权利法案”. 该法案要求制造商提供相关文件, tools, and parts that are necessary for diagnostic, maintenance, or repair services on digital electronic equipment to independent service providers.
Reps. Drenner, McCall, Powell, Williams, Trammell
该法案将要求在285号州际公路和20号州际公路的任何部分内行驶的机动车的后座安置或收容活的动物,75 or 85 or Georgia Highway 400.

HB 455:乔治亚州农业营销管理局
Reps. 休斯顿,英格兰,麦考尔,吉利亚德和斯托瓦尔
该法案创建了乔治亚州农业营销管理局, the purpose of the authority is to manage the facilities and activities of farmers markets. 管理局将向农业企业和公众推销和推广农产品,以促进该州的经济发展.
Passed the House on 3/5/19. 分配到参议院农业和消费者事务委员会.

HB 592: Surface Mining in FLPA
Reps. Meeks, Corbett, England, and Rhodes
众议院第592号法案规定,在某些情况下,短期露天矿物开采不被视为违反《十大靠谱网赌官方平台》. 只有当他们在三年内将财产恢复到开采前的状态时,该财产才会继续受契约的约束.



HR 930:认可标准森林平台及其目标
Reps. Gilliard and Clark 
House Resolution 930 encourages the State of Georgia to endorse the Stand4Forests platform and its objectives.


SB 45: "Rural Georgia Jobs and Growth Act"
Sens. Beach, B. Jones, Mullis, Harbison, E. Jones, Sims
参议院第45号法案将规定在该州有限数量的有执照的马术中心举行赛马比赛, create the Georgia Horse Racing Commission, and provide for the comprehensive regulation of pari-mutuel horse racing and related activities.
Assigned to Economic Development & Tourism.


SB 76: Veterinary Nurses
Reps. 布莱克,威尔金森,哈珀,安德森,伯克和卡林沙克
This bill has been proposed in order to change terms used by the State Board of Veterinarians. This bill would change the term veterinary technician to veterinary nurses.


SB 211: Meat Labeling
Sens. 哈珀,威尔金森,布莱克,安德森,沃克,希思
Passed the Senate on 3/7/19. 负责众议院农业和消费者事务.


SR 84:建议赛马下注
Sen. Beach
Assigned to Economic Development and Tourism.



In late March, you will begin receiving requests to complete the 2020 Census. 乔治亚州农场局很自豪能与州长的全面统计委员会合作,鼓励我们的成员及时完成人口普查. The 2020 Census will be the first year you can fill out your census online.


人口普查网站是安全、可靠和保密的. 人口普查为立法者提供了关键数据, business owners, teachers, 还有许多人用来提供日常服务, products, and support for you and your community. The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional and state legislative districts.


In addition to shaping legislative districts, the census dictates how key funds are distributed. The federal government distributes over $675 billion dollars to states based on the population for healthcare, food, education, and roads. 利用人口普查数据推动资金的主要项目包括:

  • Federal Medical Assistance Programs (FMAP)
  • 补充营养援助计划
  • Medicare Part B
  • Highway Planning and Construction
  • The Federal Pell Grant Program
  • Cooperative Extension Service


格鲁吉亚的农村援助项目收到了1亿多美元.4 billion annually in the federal FY 2016.


Census Dates to Remember:

  • March 2020: The Census Bureau will begin mailing invitations to participate in the 2020 Census to homes. Once the invitation arrives, 你应该用以下三种方式之一来回应你的家:上网, by phone, or by mail.
  • April 1, 2020: Census Day is observed nationwide. By this date, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. When you respond to the census, you tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020.
  • April 2020人口普查员开始拜访住在校园里的大学生, people living in senior centers, 还有一些人生活在一大群人中. Census takers also begin conducting quality check interviews to help ensure an accurate count.
  • May 2020: The Census Bureau begins visiting homes that haven't responded to the 2020 Census to make sure everyone is counted.
  • August 2020: The online form of the Census will close.
  • December 2020: The Census Bureau delivers apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law.
  • March 31, 2021: By this date, the Census Bureau will send redistricting counts to states. This information is used to redraw legislative districts based on population changes.


  • February 11: Farm Bureau Day at the Capitol
  • March 2: PB&J Day at the Capitol
  • March 2-5: GFB YF&R Trip to Washington
  • 3月4-5日:GFB商品咨询委员会春季会议,梅肯
  • March 11: Steak Biscuit Day at the Capitol
  • March 24: Georgia's Presidential Primary
  • 3月31日至4月2日:GFB主席访问华盛顿
  • 4月2日至4日:在佩里举行的乔治亚州牧民大会



Public Policy Department Staff

Jeffrey Harvey, Director
Joe McManus, Assistant Director
Alex Bradford, State Affairs Coordinator
Tripp Cofield, National Policy Counsel
Renee Jones, Office Coordinator



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